Home / Funny / Amusing Internet pictures – The Friday funnies are here

Amusing Internet pictures – The Friday funnies are here

Amusing Internet pictures – Once upon a time, Friday was finally here and suddenly as the latter started kissing their souls, everyone’s inner “Sleeping Beauty” started to wake up after what seemed to be a hectic & never ending week of labor, duties and responsibilities. “Thank goodness Friday is here” they gasped as they slowly arouse from the lethargic state Monday had cursed on them… For many though, the festivities were still a few hours away, so in order to kill time, the Online Kingdom decided to dig-into a rollicking collection of Friday funnies!

Wishing you a fun-packed weekend ahead and a side-splitting PMSLweb moment!

RIP Hugh Hefner funny meme - Amusing Internet pictures

Although my girlfriend is addicted to meth she still is beautiful funny quote

When a guy says he's been thinking about you funny meme

Guitar hero is tested on animals funny meme

Newcastle fan bummed to death by zebra funny WTF news

When you've been invited to a boat party but can't swim funny meme

 When your boss suddenly shows up funny gif - Amusing Internet pictures

What to do to someone who overdosed funny news fail

Those are native Americans funny post fail

You must defeat this final boss to get free healthcare funny meme

The neighbor's cat comes over to disapprove of us funny meme

When the person behind you in line says OMG under their breath funny meme

Type her a message that will make her smile for hours funny text - Amusing Internet pictures

When you bite yourself in anime versus in reality funny meme

What happens when you go for a pint humor - Amusing Internet pictures

If it's the thoughts who count funny quote

Why must I prove that I am me to pay my bills over the phone funny meme

How does this guy manage to look 12 and 42 at the same time funny meme

My happy place is in my bitch cave sarcastic humor - Amusing Internet pictures

Nature is beautiful funny porn meme

Ass hair salon funny meme

Why can't I go out and play with the other philosophers funny meme

I wish the first rule of fight club also applied to religion sarcastic humor

Pretty woman gives hoes false hope sarcastic humor - Amusing Internet pictures

When she even gets jealous of a kitten funny text message

Funny sad bee love story

Blocking access to the pirate bay has proven to be effective funny meme

Funny criminal penguin meme - Amusing Internet pictures

Me going through life funny meme

Each to their own funny meaning

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