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Pics and giggles – Hilarious images and memes

Pics and giggles – Merry Thirsty Thursday everyone! Thank goodness most of us only have another 24h to pull through before finally being able to thrive! We sincerely hope that your week hasn’t, so far, turned out to be too hectic or stressful… Nonetheless, may the prior statement apply to you or not, we’ve found a few rollicking pics whom we hope will make your day or at least contribute in making the latter a tad more bearable!

Wishing you a nonsense-packed PMSLweb moment!

I'm not feeling very talky today funny sarcastic mug - Pics and giggles

Do you want to join my religion funny cat text message

Funny ejaculate meme

What conditioner does this mouse use funny meme

Before camera phones you had to sketch your junk funny meme

 People on the transplant list thank you funny meme - Pics and giggles

Being an adult is pretty easy funny quote

You're not having sex under my roof funny adult meme

When Einstein gets fined for speeding funny meme

Funny feminist dog profile - Pics and giggles

Hugh Hefner is dead funny mourning wood tweet

This is a modern renaissance picture Tumblr humor

It's a big D not a little d funny text message

Me trying to be sexy funny dog meme

Calm the fuck down it's only October sarcastic Christmas meme

When your mom calls your name but you're playing online funny meme

Most awkward conversation ever funny meme - Pics and giggles

When you leave the house looking like shit funny meme

Positive ways our family handles stress child humor

This is why I had to unfollow my uncle funny meme

Do you want orcs funny meme

Man gets prison for claiming he created Kung Fu panda funny meme

Funny Amazon teletubbies subtitle fail meme - Pics and giggles

Did you know that you could play Facebook games without inviting me sarcastic meme

Funny assuming shit spelling fail

Funny progressist thinking outside the box cartoon

When your spouse takes a dump funny meme

The kind of love I want funny tweet

Your drinking is the reason you can't keep a boyfriend funny cat meme

Funny nutritional information label - Pics and giggles

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