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Tag Archives: funny hump day

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Funny Wednesday picture madness – It never stops

Odds of lottery versus alcohol funny quote

Funny Wednesday picture madness – Before going any further we have amazing news to break to you : there’s only 5 more hump days left on the 2016 calendar! It kinda seems unreal doesn’t it? Boy, while typing these lines we’ve suddenly realized that somewhere along the line we’re probably going to have to attempt a 2016 recap…. *facepalm*. Anyway, ... Read More »

Hysterical Hump day – A riotous collection of funny pics

Random douche gets offended funny news

Hysterical Hump day – First of all, we hope that those of you who celebrated Halloween this year truly had a ball; and not doubt that despite the work week being slightly shorter, slipping back into your usual everyday outfits mustn’t have been an easy exercise. The good news is that it’s already Hump day, and once more we evidently ... Read More »

Funny Hump day YLYL – A few midweek smiles

Funny STD check advertising with pokemon

Funny Hump day YLYL – We hope that the first part of the week has treated you good so far, that you’ve managed to keep your spirits up and any “common nuisances” at bay. We know that the week is far from being over (obviously this applies to those of you following the regular business week calendar), so we’ve decided ... Read More »

Hump day hilarity – Your midweek funny pics delivery

Pokemon Go is like Tinder funny tweet

Hump day hilarity – What do Brexit, Pokemon Go and marriage have in common? Not much probably if not that they are a few of the many themes featured in today’s edition of Hump day madness; so if you feel like this is the perfect time to take a little break from you current duties/drudgeries, please feel free to check ... Read More »

Funny Hump day misconduct – A hilarious picture collection

Funny realistic fortune cookie

Funny Hump day misconduct – The bipolar middle-child of the business week once more greets you with its mood swings, its effrontery and its despicable temper. Nonetheless, as much as the later can be subject to controversy we willingly admit that he can absolutely not be compared to his elder siblings (aka Monday and Tuesday) on an irritation level , ... Read More »

Riotous Hump day – A collection of hilarious pictures

Turn signals humor

Riotous Hump day – For all those of you in need for a good dose of midweek guffaws, we hereby inform you that our latest edition of Wednesday funniness has just gone viral. Wicked giggles, sardonic chuckles and mocking chortles roughly sum up what we have in store for you today, so why wait any longer? The time has come ... Read More »

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