With only four Saturday’s left on our 2013 calendar, there’s absolutely no way that we can allow the latter to be dull and synonym of boredom. Please welcome our latest addition as far as weekend humor is concerned, and enjoy without any restriction whatsoever , and as usual….
You have a cold doctor meme - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
Friendzone level 99 - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
Shit is getting deep funny sign - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
Confucius watch in toilet meme - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
You don’t know what concentration - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
When the bus driver suddenly slams on the break - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
You know what’s funny ecard - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
Hold it in funny bird cartoon - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Just do it later funny - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Grumpy cat I hated you - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
NBA changing to pelicans - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Dog poker cartoon - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Megaflicks font fail - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Nice to meet you funny - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
Swear cup - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Geek hierarchy funny - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Definition of f*ck - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
The fridge has nothing good to eat meme - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
My middle finger salutes you - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Doctor writing meme - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Girls are not complicated funny comment at PMSLweb.com
I catch you beating the kids cartoon - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
People are born to irritate us - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Never approach idiots from any direction - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Hippocrates around us funny post - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
How many women have you slept with - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Why it feels good to fart - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
Chicken breast implants cartoon - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Dogs in stray bar cartoon - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Funny doctor writing meme - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
This can piss anyone off bed - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Funny phone prank - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
I see your point funny quote - Weekend Humor at PMSLweb.com
Only 10 more likes doctor meme - Weekend humor at PMSLweb.com
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