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iPhone humor – Apple’s toy has a mind of its own


iPhone humor – By now, no need for us to introduce Apple’s technological gem and its overwhelming features, which evidently include the famous and mind-blowing autocorrect option – set in most cases as default. Going through the manual, we don’t recall ever seeing any sort of warning for what is of the timeless chuckles linked to the latter. Good for ... Read More »

Hilarious autocorrect – Our iPhones are at it again


Hilarious autocorrect – Years go by and the kick we get out of iPhone autocorrect fails never seems to really decrease. Lately we realized that it had been quite a while since we had brought some of these goodies to you attention, so here goes! You will find bellow hilarious autocorrect fails as well as a handful of funny text ... Read More »

A little iPhone moment… the return!


A little iPhone moment – People and their iPhones… always hours of entertainment for us on the world wide web, and one word always seems to come to our minds when text messages suddenly lead to big giggle sessions: autocorrect! You’d think that by now most of us would of deactivated Apple’s most important and helpful feature, but nope, and ... Read More »

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