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Funny video gaming picture collection – Memes and pics

Funny video gaming picture collection

Funny video gaming picture collection – In this day and age it’s almost impossible to come across someone who is/or has not been involved some way or another with the gaming universe (evidently if you live deep in the Amazon forest this still could turn out to be the case mind you). For all those though whom have spent a ... Read More »

Gaming humor – A few funny gems gamers will understand

Gaming humor

Gaming humor – We hope that the weekend treated you well and that those of you who were lucky enough to be able to chill the last two days of the week managed to dedicate time to their favorite leisures, whatever the latter are: Sports, cooking, web-surfing, sleeping (well yes, we guess that it can be considered as a hobby, ... Read More »

Funny video game world – A collection of gaming funnies

Funny gamer builds cardboard helicopter at

Funny video game world – Once in a while we cannot resist dedicating one of our posts to the video gaming world, and guess what, that’s exactly what we’ll be doing today! These days, whatever their age and occupation, a fair percentage of the world’s population will not deny occasionally, weekly or even daily challenging himself via one (or many) ... Read More »

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