Home / Funny / Hump Day Gallery – A midweek selection of refined giggles

Hump Day Gallery – A midweek selection of refined giggles

Hump Day Gallery – Once more we made it to the peak of the week, and before our eyes the horizon reveals glimpses of what appears to be a promising second half of schedule. Time to catch a breath, focus on our priorities for the two upcoming days and, most importantly, start giving the weekend a serious thought… but before all things, time for a few chuckles, so we highly recommend you to find a few minutes to check out what follows.

Wishing you a compelling PMSLweb moment!

Hump slow sign
Butt flavor lollipop
praying mantis funny cartoon
clogging his arteries the perfect crime
who rubbed the magic lantern meme
WTF did you do with the remote demotivatonal
religion, sexuality and mystery story win
facebook father I have sinned
social networks eye chart
It’s pronounced quiche funny
biggest Canadian riot funny
racist park sign fail
where should I post that
that sign demotivational
she likes his facebook status ecard
my penis was in the Guinness book of records meme
facebook buttons funny
cockpit bar and grill
the Braille superstore fail
Rottweiler and kittens funny
a present for me cat meme
go f*ck your selfie
the king of third wheeling
come to the dark side we have weed
truck pushing fail
I love BJ t-shirt fail
last picture in steve’s camera
spoon betrayal
sock match com cartoon
forever alone cookie
allergic to shrimp funny
birthday on facebook quote
Hercules the starbucks of ancient Greece
go f*ck yourself milk
Eeyore nail in my anus meme
astrology funny meme
chip and dale nut tattoo
longest nerve in the body
my give a shit fairy died
stripper funny
how many wrinkles does an a**hole have
facebook board game
FU cat gif
facebook board game

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