Home / Funny / Sunday funnies – Kissing Mondayitis goodbye

Sunday funnies – Kissing Mondayitis goodbye

Sunday funnies – If you think about it, Sunday could be seen as the most controversial day of the week. Indeed, it seems as if a fair number of us tend to have an everlasting love/hate relationship with the latter. Nobody is actually willing to declare its love to Sunday, but at the same time, a break-up cannot really be considered either. Once more, we all know who the real culprit is here, so to soften up a tad the Mondayitis blow, here’s our latest selection of funny pics.

Wishing you a delightful Sunday and a giggle-packed PMSLweb moment!

When someone steps on the back of your shoe humor – Sunday funnies

Men can do makeup too humor

Sex and the city Greek version

When someone’s story is above 100s humor

A blow job is better than no job

Funny periodic table year book comment

I must not fear cat meme – Sunday funnies

When you use up all your data for the month humor

Nintendo 64 turns 18 meme

Children lost on shooting sarcastic facebook comments

When people say f*ck the police facebook status

Little girl falling down in the sand humor

Why is that dude flying humor – Sunday funnies

Funny couple shower meme

Funny tourism information

Foreigners steal your job funny meme

The beach closed unexpectedly cartoon

Beats by dad humor

Einstein fuck= U humor – Sunday funnies

Country crock butter fail

Funny Sesame Street Burt is upset

Nazi minecraft humor

Funny ambiguous yearbook statements

Funny barber what you want

Difference between white twitter and black twitter humor

How you feel when you pull up to McDonald’s with 20$ humor

Little penis finger pop up book – Sunday funnies

Don’t Jewish your girlfriend was hot like me

Paramedics will you marry me cartoon

Funny plotting pigeons meme

Funny university of Maryland dilemma – Sunday funnies

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