Funny sarcastic nonsense – Throwback Thursday seems far too overrated these days, and over on PMSLweb we would like to suggest a few alternatives such as #DontPushYourLuckThursday #PatienceIsWearingThinThursday #BitchSlapThursday or even #ShutYourTrapThursday (evidently we could go on & on but we’re sure that you get the point). Indeed, many of you already have a long-ass week behind them and in order to keep your moral compass finely tuned and your patience at an acceptable level, a good dose of witty & snarky humor may turn out to be necessary. If this is the case, why not take a few minutes off your current duties and scroll through our latest collection of rude and sarcastic memes?
Wishing you a sardonic PMSLweb moment!
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