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Witty sarcastic humor – A sardonic picture collection

Witty sarcastic humor

Witty sarcastic humor – No doubt that many of you will have started to accumulate a fair amount of stress during the past two days, and it seems important to remind you the importance of ditching ballast whenever this does occur. Indeed, better safe than sorry should always be the name of the game at the end of the day, ... Read More »

Funny collection of sarcasm – LOL is the name of the game

Funny collection of Sarcasm

Funny collection of sarcasm – Before going any further please allow us to wish you a wonderful Hump day and congratulate you on reaching the first major milestone of the week. Indeed, once those infamous twins (aka Monday & Tuesday) have been put behind us, we must make sure to start letting go of a tad ballast, and what better ... Read More »

Sarcastic Avenue picture collection – Wicked chuckle zone

Sarcastic Avenue picture collection

Sarcastic Avenue picture collection – DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that the following funny picture collection contains a fair amount of bad language, so if ever you are underage or not a big fan of the genre it may be preferable to restrain from scrolling any further. With that being said, if on the other hand you are an adept of ... Read More »

Sarcastic Avenue – Making Mayfair look like chicken feed

Sarcastic Avenue at

Sarcastic Avenue – The weekend must, as much as possible, be dedicated to leisure, and sightseeing (or should we say “site seeing”, in this specific case) always turns out to be a very interesting as well as cultural option. May we interest you in taking a spin down sarcastic Avenue? Indeed, chances are you will not be disappointed… Our private ... Read More »

Sarcastic funnies – A collection of sardonic goodies


Sarcastic funnies – We all know that after putting behind us a long and excruciating week, the weekend often tends to be an open door to all sorts of caustic moods and scornful chuckles. Bearing this in mind, we’ve decided to treat you to a collection pics which should feed that uprising abrasive state of mind of yours. Wishing you ... Read More »

Sarcastic quotes – The Sarcasm is strong in this one


Sarcastic quotes – Warning : Very sarcastic zone ahead. A new week starts, and yet another delightful Monday is gracing us with his presence – Keeping in mind that for a number of you it’s Easter Monday and you might be among those who have the day off, so if that ever is the case, we hope that you’re having ... Read More »

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