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You laugh you lose – A funny pictures collection

You laugh you lose – Well, the good news is that if you are currently reading these lines it means that you’ve somehow made it through Monday, and hopefully without too much collateral damage (and yes, temptation can be strong at moments, we know…). Your next challenge, if you accept it (but do you really have a choice?), is to now take Tuesday on heads-up; but before doing so why not play is safe and build up your bullshit-defenses a tad by treating yourself to a rollicking collection of Tuesday funnies? Sounds like a plan? Cool beans, now let’s get scrolling shall we?!

Wishing you a laughter-fueled PMSLweb moment!

Who lives in a ghetto under the sea funny meme - You laugh you lose

My husband calls me the bomb funny quote

The first 3 words you see sarcastic humor

I'm on the snake diet funny tweet

Waiting for payday funny toothpaste meme - You laugh you lose

Someone must help Guy funny meme

No stain no gain funny meme

Funny Japanese barbecue meme

When some cunt turns the mixer on funny meme

Funny adult humor drawings prank gif - You laugh you lose

Playtime is over funny meme

Toilet paper maths in hard funny meme

Funny inappropriate pope meme

When I donate blood a nurse does it for me funny meme

If it has tits or wheels funny comment - You laugh you lose

Dear kids who are snorting rubbers sarcastic humor

At least I have a good heart funny sarcastic comment

Pound me too funny meme

I sexually identify as a microwave dinner funny meme

They say masturbation is better with a dead arm humor

A kind hearted man helping a dog walk on his 2 legs offensive meme

Ghostbusters capturing Jesus funny artwork - You laugh you lose

If ever I've offended you sarcastic meme

An app to identify animals funny comment

Playtime is over funny comment

You should have kids they said funny meme - You laugh you lose

Thoughts and prayers sarcastic humor

When you find printer ink funny comic

My girlfriend left me for a younger man funny post

Funny Kansas city sign fail

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